Thursday, July 17, 2014

The French Model

The French Model

Viva la France! Culture, sophistication. Ah, the joys of fine dining. Croissants, whine er .... wine, cheese, escargot, frog legs. >How about French Fries, French Toast, and French Dressing?< (Insert conceited French laugh) Hroh, hroh, hroh, hroh! You stupid Americans! What? What's that? Yes a Grail? We have a very nice one. And just for the record, we do bathe and shave. It's those Germans (remember the Germans) that don't shave. So let us go for a stroll along the Seine to the Eiffel Tower. And perhaps later we shall go to the Louvre and then sit in a sidewalk cafe listening to street performers and talking about the French Model.

Yes, the French Model. What is the French Model? you say. No, I do not mean THOSE kind of models. Please allow me to explain.
 You see the French Model is perhaps the most controversial method of use for essential oils. This is for a few reasons. The French model uses undiluted essential oils topically AND internally. Ultimately, the French method of essential oil use seeks to take full advantage of the properties of essential oils, but this is not consistent with the more conservative models that we have previously discussed. Often, in the French Model, essential oils will be added to a teaspoon of honey, a bit of bread, or some other bit of food or drink.  French doctors are trained in the use of essential oils as medical students and will regularly prescribe essential oils as well as conventional medicine in their practice. Because the French method of oil use is internal and often undiluted it is very important that they be of the highest quality. DoTerra's Essential Oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade and are harvested from only the finest plants grown in regions  and harvested at time that guarantee optimal properties.

Even keeping that in mind, read the label before using internally. DoTerra bottles will have a 'Supplement Fact' section on the side if the oil is recognized as safe for internal use. Likewise some oils are strong and some people, particularly the young and old, my have sensitive skin. It seldom hurts to be cautious, particularly if you are uncertain. I myself do not often dilute oils much unless I need a carrier to cover a larger area. The important thing is to understand that the French Model does exist and is a great method for using essential oils. While it has traditionally been less common in the United States than the more conservative and restrained British Model, it is a very well documented, studied, and an effective school of thought. Ultimately there is no one single way of using essential oils. We are each very complex beings that interact with different things in different ways. There will be times that you will opt different methods based on any number of factors, and that zat is alright. Au revoir. 

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