Thursday, May 8, 2014

The British Model

The British Model

Cheerio! I say, I do believe that it is tea time. Shall we we have a spot of tea and crumpets then Govna? Or maybe some fish and chips? Tahleho! For Queen and country and all that. After all, what more does the British Model require than a spot of tea and perhaps one of those cute, little cucumber sandwiches. Maybe a nice round of 'God Save the Queen'. Well maybe a bit more is needed. In this case maybe knowing that the model in question, refers to essential oils would be beneficial. Specifically being aware as to how permeable the skin is would be sterling. The British Model utilizes the permeability of human skin by applying essential oils topically. In the English Model, diluted topical use of essential oils is favored whereas in the other models undiluted application of high quality oils is appropriate. Non the less, conservative, stiff upper lip or not, the British Model favors topical application of essential oils. As already suggested this is with good reason. 

Our skin plays several roles, not the least of which is protection. While the skin is only the first line of defense against external threats it and its products are vital to our survival. The permeability of our skin is something that most people overlook though. We tend to think of our skin as a complete and total barrier separating us from our surroundings making us an island unto ourselves. We often forget how porous it actually is. There are something on the order of 175 pores per square centimeter of the forehead and 200 per square centimeter on the back of the hand. Consider how many pores actually cover your entire body. And that does not include sweat gland which are a different thing altogether. Our bodies are covered head to toe with pores and sweat glands. Consider that for a moment; this largely waterproof and pathogen resistant covering of ours is riddled with holes. Of course that is by nature's design, but it should be understood that we are not the impenetrable fortresses that we would like to believe. More important than all of this is the fact that essential oils have the ability to penetrate cellular walls due to their small molecular size and structure finding their way into the bloodstream in a matter of minutes.

What goes on the body, goes in the body. This is evidenced by decades of research. Sadly the quality of essential oils vary widely leading to a rationale for a more conservative approach to topical use found in the British Model. Low quality essential oils, that do not meet up to the stringent criteria established by companies like doTerra, can be loaded with impurities and toxins. The skin on your body is able to absorb a large percentage of what is placed on it in a matter of minutes. Within ten minutes many of the compounds, good or bad, placed on your skin are coursing through your bloodstream. So using inferior oils on your body is something to be cautious about. Bearing this in mind, a heavy amount of dilution of essential oils with carrier oils is a perfectly appropriate in some cases. Other examples would be that with infants and young children you should always be conservative in the application of essential oils. Babies have very thin and sensitive skin, and while I would not have a problem with applying essential oils on a baby I would do so cautiously. It would also be beneficial to be cautious in the application of 'hot oils' like cassia, cinnamon, oregano, and thyme. These oils can create an uncomfortable sensation on the skin if used undiluted and as such a carrier oil is advised. As with all things, it simply requires a little bit of basic knowledge. Good quality and knowledge are the main tools that you need. So put your sausage and mash where your north and south is china plate. Huh?


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