Saturday, October 4, 2014

Aspirations and Inspiration

Aspirations and Inspiration
What can I say on the heels of doTERRA's Aspire Convention? Do I point out that doTERRA is a world class organization that understands that the sum of small, obscure deeds is a thousand times more powerful than large public ones, because the small deeds have the power to transform lives? Do I discuss doTERRA's mission of changing the world by empowering individuals in their health and how knowledge, education, and research are at the heart of so much of what they do? Or do I devote some time to my personal favorite, a little concept called co-impact sourcing, which strengthens small farming communities around the world in a sustainable way, empowering and engaging people in developing countries. Or perhaps I pay homage to the Healing Hands Foundation and all of the good they do. Where to begin and where to end?
DoTERRA is nothing short of amazing. Where so many companies or organizations do good because it looks good, doTERRA does good because it is good. That is what they are. It is evident in all that they do. As I was there at the Salt Palace, participating in events of all types, I saw this played out over and over again. In big way and small, you saw it over and over. DoTERRA has established the way to do business in the twenty-first century. Conscience filled capitalism. You can balance the needs of the people, the product, and the plants and do right by all of them. That is doTERRA.

So I come away from the Aspire Convention inspired and perhaps a bit overwhelmed. There is no doubt that I am being a cheerleader for doTerra and am unapologetic about it. But it I have seen what doTERRA aspires too, what I and those around me aspire too, and I also got a glimpse of what growers and producers of essential oil around the world aspire too. That inspires me and I hope that it can inspire you too to pursue your aspirations and inspirations.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The French Model

The French Model

Viva la France! Culture, sophistication. Ah, the joys of fine dining. Croissants, whine er .... wine, cheese, escargot, frog legs. >How about French Fries, French Toast, and French Dressing?< (Insert conceited French laugh) Hroh, hroh, hroh, hroh! You stupid Americans! What? What's that? Yes a Grail? We have a very nice one. And just for the record, we do bathe and shave. It's those Germans (remember the Germans) that don't shave. So let us go for a stroll along the Seine to the Eiffel Tower. And perhaps later we shall go to the Louvre and then sit in a sidewalk cafe listening to street performers and talking about the French Model.

Yes, the French Model. What is the French Model? you say. No, I do not mean THOSE kind of models. Please allow me to explain.
 You see the French Model is perhaps the most controversial method of use for essential oils. This is for a few reasons. The French model uses undiluted essential oils topically AND internally. Ultimately, the French method of essential oil use seeks to take full advantage of the properties of essential oils, but this is not consistent with the more conservative models that we have previously discussed. Often, in the French Model, essential oils will be added to a teaspoon of honey, a bit of bread, or some other bit of food or drink.  French doctors are trained in the use of essential oils as medical students and will regularly prescribe essential oils as well as conventional medicine in their practice. Because the French method of oil use is internal and often undiluted it is very important that they be of the highest quality. DoTerra's Essential Oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade and are harvested from only the finest plants grown in regions  and harvested at time that guarantee optimal properties.

Even keeping that in mind, read the label before using internally. DoTerra bottles will have a 'Supplement Fact' section on the side if the oil is recognized as safe for internal use. Likewise some oils are strong and some people, particularly the young and old, my have sensitive skin. It seldom hurts to be cautious, particularly if you are uncertain. I myself do not often dilute oils much unless I need a carrier to cover a larger area. The important thing is to understand that the French Model does exist and is a great method for using essential oils. While it has traditionally been less common in the United States than the more conservative and restrained British Model, it is a very well documented, studied, and an effective school of thought. Ultimately there is no one single way of using essential oils. We are each very complex beings that interact with different things in different ways. There will be times that you will opt different methods based on any number of factors, and that zat is alright. Au revoir. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The British Model

The British Model

Cheerio! I say, I do believe that it is tea time. Shall we we have a spot of tea and crumpets then Govna? Or maybe some fish and chips? Tahleho! For Queen and country and all that. After all, what more does the British Model require than a spot of tea and perhaps one of those cute, little cucumber sandwiches. Maybe a nice round of 'God Save the Queen'. Well maybe a bit more is needed. In this case maybe knowing that the model in question, refers to essential oils would be beneficial. Specifically being aware as to how permeable the skin is would be sterling. The British Model utilizes the permeability of human skin by applying essential oils topically. In the English Model, diluted topical use of essential oils is favored whereas in the other models undiluted application of high quality oils is appropriate. Non the less, conservative, stiff upper lip or not, the British Model favors topical application of essential oils. As already suggested this is with good reason. 

Our skin plays several roles, not the least of which is protection. While the skin is only the first line of defense against external threats it and its products are vital to our survival. The permeability of our skin is something that most people overlook though. We tend to think of our skin as a complete and total barrier separating us from our surroundings making us an island unto ourselves. We often forget how porous it actually is. There are something on the order of 175 pores per square centimeter of the forehead and 200 per square centimeter on the back of the hand. Consider how many pores actually cover your entire body. And that does not include sweat gland which are a different thing altogether. Our bodies are covered head to toe with pores and sweat glands. Consider that for a moment; this largely waterproof and pathogen resistant covering of ours is riddled with holes. Of course that is by nature's design, but it should be understood that we are not the impenetrable fortresses that we would like to believe. More important than all of this is the fact that essential oils have the ability to penetrate cellular walls due to their small molecular size and structure finding their way into the bloodstream in a matter of minutes.

What goes on the body, goes in the body. This is evidenced by decades of research. Sadly the quality of essential oils vary widely leading to a rationale for a more conservative approach to topical use found in the British Model. Low quality essential oils, that do not meet up to the stringent criteria established by companies like doTerra, can be loaded with impurities and toxins. The skin on your body is able to absorb a large percentage of what is placed on it in a matter of minutes. Within ten minutes many of the compounds, good or bad, placed on your skin are coursing through your bloodstream. So using inferior oils on your body is something to be cautious about. Bearing this in mind, a heavy amount of dilution of essential oils with carrier oils is a perfectly appropriate in some cases. Other examples would be that with infants and young children you should always be conservative in the application of essential oils. Babies have very thin and sensitive skin, and while I would not have a problem with applying essential oils on a baby I would do so cautiously. It would also be beneficial to be cautious in the application of 'hot oils' like cassia, cinnamon, oregano, and thyme. These oils can create an uncomfortable sensation on the skin if used undiluted and as such a carrier oil is advised. As with all things, it simply requires a little bit of basic knowledge. Good quality and knowledge are the main tools that you need. So put your sausage and mash where your north and south is china plate. Huh?


Thursday, April 24, 2014

The German Method

The German Model?

You have no doubt become familiar with the different models of using essential oils. These general models or methodologies have names; the German, English, and French models. So what is the German model? I mean other than drinking large steins of beer, eating sausage, and listening to polka music what could the German model consist of?

The German model relies on the simple fact that smell elicits a quicker physical response by the body than any other method of using medicine. Volatile aromatics are inhaled easily and absorbed through the respiratory tract before being circulated through the blood stream.  There are receptors and receptor cells located in the nasal lining. The receptor cells detect odor molecules  and react to specific ones resulting in a vast ability to differentiate scents. When the olfactory receptor cells are stimulated an electrical impulse is relayed to the brain which will then produce hormones in response. So yes, you can in fact say to critics that the simple act of smelling something can heal. 

This has been demonstrated in a large number of studies of varying types and sizes. Peppermint Essential Oils, for example as opposed to synthetic peppermint, has been shown to significantly reduce post operative nausea. In ancient and modern medicine there appears to be a link between the scent of rosemary and cognition, specifically memory. And numurous studies have been authored on the ability of scents to alter concentration and mood. But even beyond studies think empirically about observations that you have had. You have seen it, whether you realize it or not.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Search and Research

Search and Research

So how effective are essential oils when it really comes down to it? Sure, people have claims but testimonials from strangers are a dime a dozen. After all where is the proof? Well that is a tall order. Not because there is a lack of information, but because there is quite a bit of information. While there are areas in which studies have not been done and there is a long way to go, there is quite a bit out there already, despite reluctance from a number of interests. There is enough information that it takes a lot of time and effort to wade through it all. It is a particularly daunting task if you are a layman. Studies abound of various types but what has merit and what does not? How do you digest all of the information? Where to start?


There is only a small amount of ground that we can cover in a few short paragraphs. But consider a flu study out of Oklahoma in which influenza virus infectivity was suppressed by doTerra's On Guard essential oil treatment in a dose-dependent manner. The number of nascent viral particles released was reduced by 90% when virus was treated with 1 to 4,000 dilution and by 40% with a 1 to 6,000 dilution of the oil. Oil treatment of the virus also decreased direct infection of the cells as the number of infected cells decreased by 90% when virus was treated with 1 to 2,000 dilution of On Guard and by 45% with a 1 to 3,000 dilution of the oil. The suggestion appears to be that the antiviral effect may be due to inhibition of viral protein translation. No matter the reason, it is an impressive result.


There are also some interesting studies dealing with postoperative nausea. Anecdotal evidence abounds about the effectiveness of peppermint in staving off nausea. This led to a study from Liverpool University in which patients that were not in the control group inhaled either synthetic peppermint or peppermint essential oil after surgery. The results of the study demonstrated that those exposed to the synthetic substitute had twice the nausea as those using natural essential oil. In another study conducted in North Carolina patients were administered either isopropyl alcohol, ginger essential oil, or a combination of ginger, spearmint, peppermint, and cardamom. Aromatherapy with essential oils was found to be an effective, noninvasive, and cost effective treatment for postoperative nausea. 


How about work from the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in 2003 dealing with helicobacter pylori, a microorganism found in the stomach that is responsible for ulcers and so much more. The thirteen different essential oils used were found to be bactericidal against helicobacter pylori without the development of an acquired resistance. Lemongrass was found to be particularly effective. Think about this as an alternative to antivirals, which viruses adapt to.


So where does this leave us?  A couple of quick references to a few favorable studies does not constitute significant proof on the validity of essential oils as an alternative method for dealing with a plethora of health issues. Does it? But... but, but, but. But there is so much more. Studies are showing up in more and more quarters, and the results of these studies are becoming harder to ignore. Rather than waiting to be told by the 'experts' what is good for you, perhaps it is time to take more ownership. The research is being done. The data is out there. While it seems overwhelming and the vocabulary and level of detail is intense, a person can wrap their brain around scholarly articles and scientific studies. It just takes some time, effort, and patience. As a layman writing a short blog, I have hardly done justice to the studies that I refer to, but I have made you the reader aware of them. Now it is your turn. Verify some of the things that you hear and read about. I would recommend Aromatics Science (  or PubMed ( to start out. YOU can do this. You CAN be the expert on your own health and happiness. And WE will be here to help you along the way. Ultimately that ball is in your court.


Contact me with questions or follow us on other social networks. We are here for you.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Shared Culture, Shared Community

Shared Culture, Shared Community

Culture. What is culture? Every region and group has at one. Cultures take many different forms and they all have merit and value on some level. Often they are difficult to understand. The term culture does not just apply to large societal grouping though. For example, there are any number of subcultures to consider as well, or in some cases corporate cultures. Ultimately our culture is what defines us as a people or group, and as such, it is worthy of some reflection in order to consider what our values are. Recently Scott Ford was discussing the culture of doTerra as business and a number of interesting words were used by him and others. He stated that doTerra represents a culture of authenticity; but doTerra was also discussed as being a culture about people, family, sharing, service, and cooperation. How this manifests itself was discussed. And it can be seen in so much of what we do. That makes me proud. The starting point for everyone involved with doTerra Essential Oils is in wanting to help others. These are not just a class of business managers that we are talking about. We are talking about something entirely different. A group of people that are passionate about helping others and sharing with them.

It has been a long time coming, but American attitudes on healthcare are shifting. This because of any number of reasons, ranging from concerns over the cost and quality of health care, worries in changes to the health care system due to 'Obamacare,' and a more knowledgeable public that is willing and able to conduct research on their own. People are looking at more options in greater depth, rather than simply accepting standard practice. A majority of Americans now look to natural health care products in some capacity. Half of Americans use or have used essential oils in one form or another. That number is expected to grow as people become better versed in their options and as they come to understand how effective essential oils are. This is particularly true for doTerra Essential Oils.

The term doTerra means 'gift of the Earth'. And that is exactly what doTerra offers, in the form of absolutely pure, therapeutic grade, essential oils . The feeling is that the Earth bestows great gifts upon us in abundance and we need only to be good stewards so as to be able to participate in this feast of plenty. The gifts from the Earth after all, are gifts for the whole world. And it is doTerra's mission to share health and prosperity with every individual, family, and community in the world. That is a big goal. Yet despite the grand vision doTerra has the soul of a small company. There is an intimacy to the doTerra community that goes several steps beyond what you would expect. You need only work with us and it will become self-evident. We are a culture of caring, cooperation, and commitment. The way to providing health and prosperity to all can only be done by reaching out and touching people as individuals, one at a time. The world is changed not by grand sweeping gestures but by changing one life at a time. That is one reason why I have been doing doTerra.

Please contact me if you would like to know what doTerra Essential Oils can do for you.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Going for the Gold

Going for the Gold

As the Winter Olympics take place and again conclude in a far corner of the world, we are reminded of the quest for excellence. While most of us are not elite athletes, we all aspire to greater things, and when we see the dedication and degree of excellence that these fine people exhibit it is hard not to be impressed. But considering a bit deeper, there is the consideration of who these Olympians are. Some come from countries with ways of life or beliefs that we cannot quite understand. Some come from wealth while others have known squaller. Some come from families, programs, or countries with a legacy in a particular sport, others not so much. And some come from backgrounds and families not unlike our own. That is part all of the drama of the Olympics, whether we are from a big city, a small city, the mountains, the plains, the tropics, the tundra, no matter our language, religion, government, hobbies, interests, or politics there are people competing at this elite level that we see a bit of ourselves in. And that is inspiring. There is a bit of fantasy that take place in the imagination. Imagining and remembering the crunch of the snow under your cross country skis or boots, or feeling the rush as you catapult down a hill on a sled, inner tube, downhill skis, or snowboard you sometimes have a moment of understanding. 

It is also fun when we see that these Olympians have interests, likes, and habits like our own. Even with the intense focus, dedication, and regimen they are a reflection of those of us that are a bit more common. We are made of the same kind of stuff as these great competitors. 

Recently quite a few users of doTerra essential oils smiled after seeing a glimpse of the contents of Australian snowboarder and Olympic medalist Torah Bright's suitcase. Prominent items included quite a few doTerra products, including Deep Blue and the Lifelong Vitality Pack, among other things. On the one hand, it is not terribly surprising to learn that a very diet conscious and health oriented athlete such as Bright, would be using essential oils to deal with muscle fatigue and other issues. But it is, non the less, reassuring to see some of the things that you so value highly for health and wellness used by people competing at this elite level. On some levels Bright is someone that is very different from myself. Bright comes from a family full of snow based athletes that tend to be very holistic in their lifestyles, with a mother that is natural health therapist. When you add to that the fact that she is a Mormon, an Australian, as well as other factors; Torah Bright seems to be someone that is so very different then what I am. Yet despite differing lives, backgrounds, and perspectives we both have found the value of doTerra essential oils and how they can help you perform to a higher level and go for the gold. 

If you have questions, contact us here, on Facebook, Twitter, or at

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Working Together

Working Together

It is reassuring to know that you are not alone. While I personally crave some time on my own, so that I can think, exercise, and be creative, I also like to be part of a larger whole. It is good to have a sense of belonging and to be part of a greater community, particularly when that community is working toward a greater good. At this writing, I am in the process of meeting with and working with a several people that have chosen not only to use essential oils in their lives, but to share their knowledge with others. We are meeting to go over a great number of things, ultimately we are sharing information and insights about our own journeys and listening to the perspectives and experiences of others. 

I am in the process of sharing with this group my insights about using the Internet and digital media to share information about doTerra essential oils online. It is difficult on some levels to do because there is so much information in such a limited amount of time to share it in. But you pass on what you can in the hope that it helps others. Lisa Skrzypczynski is teaching us about essential oils, how to use them, why, and how to share them and succeed. Ann McCotter is talking about us about positive attitude, dream fulfillment, and goal setting. There has been a lot of sharing going on and it is grand. It is so important to share with others when and where you can. It is also so nice to hear the experiences and insights of others.

I love growing, I love helping others grow. It does not matter what the subject is, growth is always the desired goal. At least it always should be for all of us. The alternative is stagnation, and stagnation is the road to decay. We go through life seeking new knowledge, improved skills, and better ways of doing things. It is when we help one another that that we grow the most. Cooperation and shared experience is a powerful thing. No matter what you do or are involved in, I encourage you to engage others, share with them, learn from them, give to them. Those are the steps that we need to take so that we can work together.

Thank you to all that took part in this great event. If you are interested in future dotTerra events in the Oshkosh, WI area, contact Marge Woodfill at

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Challenges

New Challenges

It is exciting when we find ourselves acquiring new skills and knowledge. As we build our skills and knowledge, new challenges arise, and we learn yet more as we face those challenges. Recent weeks have been exactly that. As I have read and communicated with others I have begun to gain new insights. I have also found new ways to challenge myself. 

It is not any one thing, but many in my case. I am part of a group that trains youth to run 10k runs, and while many of us are fairly dedicated runners it does become difficult to get the outdoor miles that one would like due to lack of daylight. As an additional measure to cross-train and condition ourselves by taking yoga classes at Northwoods Yoga in Gillett. What a fun new way to challenge ourselves both physically and mentally. 

As we have been busy putting together new content and ideas to share we have had to learn new ways of thinking, seeing, and communicating. In many cases these are small issues, but cumulatively these bits and pieces of new ideas and how to implement them turn in to larger challenges as well.

And of course regarding essential oils there is always a new story to share. I have been reading about specific issues as I talk with friends, family, and colleagues and learned so much. I came across an interesting, if small study from Australia that suggests that melaleuca may have a role intreating skin cancer. I also was told that a spray that we put together consisting of 15 drop melaleuca, 15 drops eucalyptus, 15 drops lavender and an ounce of fractionated coconut oil caused fresh scabs to heal and fall of within a day. It seems like every couple of days I am hearing about something like this and it really pumps me up to keep sharing with you. 

That said, I want to let you know that if you are in the Oshkosh area on Saturday, January 
25th, 2014 come look for us at the Country Living & Natural Health Expo in the Sunnyview Expo Center. There will be hundreds of exhibits and activities and family fun. It is the largest health, fitness, nutrition, and green living expo in Wisconsin and we will be there. Admission is free. We are very excited to be part of this event. Marge Woodfill, Pat Birschbach, Cari Erickson, and Kris Piaskowski will be there to answer any and all questions that they can regarding essential oils. They are all very knowledgable and will be thrilled to help you.

We learn new skills, new ideas, new ways of doing things and strive to put them together in new and innovative ways. And in doing so we change the world. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Being Aware

Being Aware

Awareness. What a gift it is. Yet despite our knowledge of the world around us, we often stumble through it, only half aware of what is going on around us as we race to some unseen finish line. There is so much of the world that we cannot truly know or understand no matter how hard we try. And yet it is paramount that we try. Knowledge does, after all, bring us understanding and the ability to solve problems. That is why it is so important that we not only seek knowledge, but also disseminate it.

We are always seeking to share what we have learned and are learning, and we do it in a variety of ways. Of course, at this reading you are aware of my sharing of various insights via this blog. Likewise, I always make efforts to share regular information via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and the like in the form of tips, articles, videos, photos, and research. And as always, I can be reached via email for answers to specific questions. Some of you are also aware that we appear in different venues. We regularly will go to fitness fairs, farmers' markets, and offer classes. These venues are important because so often face to face contact and personal conversation cannot replace postings on a blog or tips on a social networking site. Solid information from sources that you trust is important. But there are so many things that are better communicated in person.

That said, from time to time I am going to make a point of it keep you updated on some of our goings-on in the future. One that is coming up this spring that we are excited about is the 'Dare to be Aware Fair' at the Mitchell Park Conservatory in the 'Domes' in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For those of you that are not aware, the Domes are unique venue in and of themselves. If you have never been there, I fully encourage it, particularly in the cold months. The domes offer desert and tropical environments near the heart of Milwaukee no matter the time of year. It is an amazing thing to step into this tropical world only moments after being out in the brutal subzero conditions of a Wisconsin winter. Now imagine this as a backdrop for a wellness fair including people from numerous disciplines and all of the possibilities that come with it. In addition to many other things, there will be specialists available in food and dining, health, beauty and wellness, chiropractic, tai chi, nutrition, massage, and of course essential oils. There will be an entire range of presentations and vendors in all manner of areas. The fair is an annual event facilitated primarily by the Center for Creative Learning, which provides personal and professional development to the business community and the general public.

This year the Dare to be Aware Fair will be April 5th, 2014. Kris Piaskowski. Marge Woodfill, and Lisa Skrzypczynski will be there to talk to people about doTerra essential oils. All three of them are very knowledgable about essential oils and their use and may be considered a great resource. Please stop by and visit them at this unique on of a kind event.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Searching for Knowledge

Searching for Knowledge

So where to start when you want to do a bit of research on essential oils? There are a few sources worth looking at. One source that I find to be very useful is a website called In fact as far as online sources go this is one that I really like. Everything Essential is my number one go to site. It has all of the stuff that you need to get started on researching essential oils. There is a very helpful page for 'Health Concerns' that offers all manner of insight into different ailments. There is also a tab explaining and describing the properties of the different oils and blends that doTERRA offers as well as a page detailing other products that they offer. You will also find suggestions for application of oils, tips, and information on some of the science and history behind essential oils. There are even a few videos to be found including several videos of Doctor David Hill presenting on various subjects. There is a lot of information here. It will take time to digest it all but I recommend it highly.

For a really great resource in book form take a look for a book called Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils. It is an excellent guide that does a very nice job of covering the entire spectrum related to essential oils. It gives the type of information listed in the paragraph above and so much more. In fact, the book is a bit overwhelming at first glance because there is so much in it. It is a great resource and is a definite must for your library if you have any interest whatsoever in natural healthcare products. Again I highly recommend it.

These two sources alone are enough to keep a person busy studying for a long time. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many resources to look at and consider but this should be more that enough for a person to get started on the subject.

If you have questions about essential oils, please let me know.