Good Medicine
Cold season comes. What to do? First and foremost is to not get sick in the first place. One common preventative measure is to consistently put a drop of lemon essential oil into your drinking water. If I feel concerned about a cold coming on I will rub a drop of OnGuard on my thyroids. If I feel like the immune system needs a bit more help then I make a "magic bullet". A magic bullet consists of two drops of melaleuca, tho drops of oregano, two drops of OnGuard, and four drops of lemon, all in a vegetable capsule. These steps seem to work very well. I get sick less often and with less severity since I have started doing this. OnGuard is an immune system booster, and the "magic bullets"deliver a double whammy to the viruses that cause the common cold. Oregano is particularly effective as an antiseptic and anti bacterial agent. Melaleuca is great for dealing a variety of fungi and bacteria. And lemon is an excellent antibacterial agent. Put all of these items together and you have a powerful medicine. These measure help prior to a cold in staving it off but also with minimizing and shortening the cold itself.Despite trying to be on top of things sometimes you get sick nonetheless. Essential oils can help with that also. Breathe helps clear the nasal passages brilliantly. Lacking Breathe, peppermint is a great standby. The other day, my nose was really clogged up and I happened to have a sample bottle of peppermint which I placed by my nostril and inhaled directly. Clear nostrils for the rest of the day. I also had a mildly sore throat. I placed a drop of lemon and a drop of OnGuard in a shot glass and filled it with water. I then gargled with a bit of it to ease my throat. It worked nicely. Overall though, I felt somewhat miserable, miserable enough that I was concerned that I would not be able to sleep well. Two drops of lavender essential oil in a glass of water before bed and I slept like a baby. To top it off, I even have some not quite perfect, home made cough drops, made from honey and OnGuard.
I could go on, but the point is that I and my family have found some simple, effective, ways to deal with basic illnesses at home thats to doTERRA essential oils. You can too. That is a good thing to keep it mind as the cold weather approaches. If you have questions contact 'bendoingdoterra' on Facebook or Twitter. We are happy to help.
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