Monday, December 30, 2013

Winter Wonder

Winter Wonder

As we enter the heart of winter and are right at the tail end of the holiday season we contend with a cold world even as we enjoy a warm hearth and the warmth of family and friends. The brutality that is winter in the northern climes of North America is a harsh reality to face. But it is a reality that we must face nonetheless. At this writing, I cringe at the thought of going outside to fetch firewood and later this evening driving through the dark, winter evening on frozen roads to a meeting. In recent posts I have discussed the importance of family and making choices in the best interest of those that we care for. I have referenced different strategies for dealing with winter ailments. But at the risk of sounding like a broken record, perhaps it is time for a bit more on the topic.

One thing that winter brings is dry, cracked skin. It can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. While lotion is a go to for most people, one of the best strategies is using a simple carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil. The coconut oil will not only moisturize the skin but is also vitamin rich and is good for the skin. The coconut oil can be supplemented with a number of essential oils such as a touch of Lavender or Lemon. This also works on cracked skin on the feet as well. Peppermint is also quite effective in this regard. Better yet a mixture of Peppermint, Melaleuca, and Geranium in coconut oil is yet another option that should work well. On a related note eczema and dry itchy skin is another common winter problem. Lavender can relieve itching, Geranium will sooth and heal the skin and Melaleuca will help with infection. As of late I have been as of late been trying Cedarwood on dry skin and that seems to be working out as well. I have high hopes for Cedarwood.

Of course, winter brings cold, coughs, and sniffles to mind as well. I have found Breathe and Peppermint to be very effective for nasal congestion. I find that just a dab on the foot or nasal passages clears thing up nicely. Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Peppermint, or Lime are nice for chest congestion by rubbing them onto the chest or lymph nodes, I find Eucalyptus in particular to be helpful for breathing. For a sore throat I gargle with a drop of On Guard, sometimes with a drop of Lemon as well. Any oil with analgesic qualities should be effective but I have been quite happy with On Guard. Oregano is very effective in this regard, but is very strong and quite bitter so I am more sparing myself with it.

Ultimately with winter ailments prevention is the best medicine. Boosting the immune system is your first line of defense. That is what On Guard does best. A bit of On Guard on the thyroids, in the drinking water, or diffused in the air staves off and weakens bacteria and viruses. Supplement this with regularly putting a drop of citrus oil into your drinking water and your immune system will be greatly strengthened. 

The next line of defense is killing the pathogens that cause illness in the first place. While you cannot put a stop to all harmful viruses that you might be exposed to, being able to destroy or weaken the lions share of them is desirable to say the least. A glass spray-bottle with several drops of On Guard, Purify and perhaps a citrus will keep your home clean and comparatively germ-free. The less viruses that your body is fighting the stronger your immune system will be.  

Winter in the north is a long and sometimes brutal ordeal. We often find ourselves struggling with cabin fever and sometimes our sanity. Even if you do get out there and ski, snowmobile, or ice fish it is still short days and long nights which makes for a very long winter. We need strategies to deal with the long periods of time inside as we ride out the winter.

If you have questions about doTERRA product and how they can help you please contact me.
or Ben Doing doTERRA on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Finding What You Need

Finding What You Need

It is a strange thing to realize that you do, at this reading, have, for the most part, the whole of human knowledge at your disposal. In a matter of a few clicks you can be learning about any subject in all fields of human understanding. Think about that for a moment. Anything that you want to learn about, see, hear, or experience is there to discover in one form or another. With a small amount of time, effort, and perhaps some guidance, you have the ability to master any number of areas.

Navigating through all of that information can be difficult though. Yes, the opening salvo is simple enough. It is a small matter to go to the Internet and type a few keywords into a search engine, but what to do with the results. The untold thousands of results will vary. There will be wikis, blogs, and advertisements. There will be sites, of all types, dispositions, quality, and accuracy. And they will be there by the millions. How to wade through all of that?

Researching subjects like essential oils are a good example. There are so many websites with so much information. But often it is conflicting information. Standard fact checks, encyclopedias, and so forth commonly have a lag in the timeliness of the information that they offer. Wading through data on medical trials and studies is a Herculean task for most laypeople. Blogs and websites range all over the map in what they offer. Some offer the views of skeptics and critics that will deny the obvious, others offer the views of cheerleaders embracing difference for its own sake. Often the seemingly contradictory information is based on different product lines from different companies with varying qualities. Often for example, I will come across warnings about the danger of ingesting essential oils and yet I know that almost all doTERRA essential oils are perfectly safe for human consumption. I know this because doTERRA oils are all Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. 100%. No additives, no preservatives, no chemicals, no surprises.

So what to do? The main thing is to look for sources that you can trust, and voices that you can have some confidence in. For my part, as time goes by I shall try to direct you, the reader of this blog, links to sites that can help you on your quest for knowledge in this area. It is important that we share information, ideas, and opinions. That is how we grow as individuals and as a society.

For the moment, if you have questions you can post a message to me on this site. Another option is to message us on Facebook or Twitter at Ben Doing doTERRA. Or of course, you can email either me at or Kris at We will do our best to answer your questions and refer you to an appropriate source.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thankfulness and Family

Thankfulness and Family

Thanksgiving stands at the cusp of autumn and winter, a time of transition and reverie. While New Years is often given the credit for reflection upon both what lies ahead and has transpired, it is during  Thanksgiving that we give such reflection context. This is truly the holiday of, by, and for the family. It is the essential holiday in many ways when you look at it simply through the prism of family. Yes, Easter, Christmas, and Hanukkah are vital religious holidays and times of family. Independence Day and Halloween offer their measures of family fun and also context for ourselves in important shared experiences. Like Independence Day, we have times like Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, President's Day, and Martin Luther King Day to also serve as punctuation marks to ideals that we value. Saint Patrick and Saint Valentine have sadly devolved somewhat, so rather than being viewed as religious days by Americans they are now more akin to Punxsutawney Phil's special day; non the less we have fun with them and are glad to celebrate. I could go on, but to the larger point.

Thanksgiving is unique. While it looks to the harvest, as the roots of Halloween once partially did, it is something entirely different. Think for a moment about the rituals and actions of Thanksgiving. What do we do? We gather, we eat, we visit. We say thank you, mostly offered as a prayer. No gifts, fireworks, noisemakers, costumes, or games. At least not as central parts of this holiday. We gather with family and sup together as we offer a bit of gratitude. Sure, the details vary. 'Family' might be friends, but they are close friends. We might go hunting before of after. We might be watching football as we feast. We might dress up or we might show up in blaze orange. If you are far enough north you might be setting up an ice shanty that day. But no matter how you slice it, Thanksgiving is about a shared moment of thankfulness with family. It is what we do as a people.

We should be thankful and thoughtful about our families. It is why we do so many of the things that we do. The health, happiness, and wholeness of our families does matter to us all. It informs the choices that we make. At the end of the day it is those that we care for are what matter. They are essential to us. When we chose an activity, food, or medicine for our families, we give the matter time and consideration because we cherish our families and want what is best for them. OUR families consistent use of essential oils is because we have tried them, read about them, spoken to experts on them, and as a result we have come to see them as a valuable addition to the life of our family. DoTERRA essential oils have aided us and our children through ailments and injuries, flavored our foods and beverage, cleaned our house, and eased our minds. So while my Thanksgiving prayer did not include doTERRA essential oils they are something that I am still grateful for, as in a fairly short period in my life they have had such an impact upon us. But in the end essential oils are simply a tool for aiding and enriching our lives. As we gather with family and friends in the coming weeks for holiday celebrations, keep in mind how important they are. No matter how difficult things can be it is all about family.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too

One particularly beautiful thing about essential oils is that they add to your quality of life. And this is particularly true with doTERRA. Unlike many other brands of essential oils, most doTERRA essential oils are ingestible. One reason for this is because doTERRA oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. That means they are guaranteed to be 100% pure, which gives a whole extra dimension of possibilities to your use of oils. Think about it. No chemicals, no additives, no preservatives. Nothing but the best. 

Aromatic use of essential oils is a well known method of using the scent of purified oils extracted from plants to elicit a physical or psychological response in dealing with ailments. This is a practice that is age old and well documented. In addition to physical ailments, aromatherapy can be used for cognitive functioning and mood enhancement. This is what people often think about when they think of essential oils. There is mounting evidence in the form of studies regarding this. Peppermint stimulates mental awareness and wakefulness. Lavender aids in relaxation. Lemon is effective for mood elevation and relief of stress. And so forth. Moreover, it is pleasant. But regardless of citing studies on the correlation between aroma and various responses the real beauty of essential oils is that in addition to what they do for you, they are pleasing. How often can you say that about medicine.

The bigger thing to highlight though is taste. My family consistently uses essential oils in our food and drink. If you look at my Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest aptly titled 'Ben Doing doTERRA' you will see a few pictures from time to time of dishes and drinks that we have crafted using essential oils. Generally it is pretty simple, a drop of something like lime or lemon in a drink, any drink. Adding a drop or two to just your drinking water works wonders. Water becomes something that you look forward to. In addition to hydrating your body, which most of us fall well short on, you are selecting compounds that serve a beneficial purpose for your health. A small amount of time on can help you select oils that work for you and your needs. In the case of water the flavor that you are adding is not overbearing, sweetened, false and carries with it the benefits of the oils that you have selected. In any number of recipes simply substituting an ingredient for a few drops of oil is so simple. Ranging from dips to desserts and from marinades to marmalades adding essential oil to your food is fun, simple, and delicious. How often can you say that about medicine. So in the case of doTERRA essential oils, you can have your cake and eat it too.

If you have questions please contact me on this blog, on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Also you may email me at 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Good Medicine

Good Medicine

Cold season comes. What to do? First and foremost is to not get sick in the first place. One common preventative measure is to consistently put a drop of lemon essential oil into your drinking water. If I feel concerned about a cold coming on I will rub a drop of OnGuard on my thyroids. If I feel like the immune system needs a bit more help then I make a "magic bullet". A magic bullet consists of two drops of melaleuca, tho drops of oregano, two drops of OnGuard, and four drops of lemon, all in a vegetable capsule. These steps seem to work very well. I get sick less often and with less severity since I have started doing this. OnGuard is an immune system booster, and the "magic bullets"deliver a double whammy to the viruses that cause the common cold. Oregano is particularly effective as an antiseptic and anti bacterial agent. Melaleuca is great for dealing a variety of fungi and bacteria.  And lemon is an excellent antibacterial agent. Put all of these items together and you have a powerful medicine. These measure help prior to a cold in staving it off but also with minimizing and shortening the cold itself.

Despite trying to be on top of things sometimes you get sick nonetheless. Essential oils can help with that also. Breathe helps clear the nasal passages brilliantly. Lacking Breathe, peppermint is a great standby. The other day, my nose was really clogged up and I happened to have a sample bottle of peppermint which I placed by my nostril and inhaled directly. Clear nostrils for the rest of the day. I also had a mildly sore throat. I placed a drop of lemon and a drop of OnGuard in a shot glass and filled it with water. I then gargled with a bit of it to ease my throat.  It worked nicely. Overall though, I felt somewhat miserable, miserable enough that I was concerned that I would not be able to sleep well. Two drops of lavender essential oil in a glass of water before bed and I slept like a baby. To top it off, I even have some not quite perfect, home made cough drops, made from honey and OnGuard.

I could go on, but the point is that I and my family have found some simple, effective, ways to deal with basic illnesses at home thats to doTERRA essential oils. You can too. That is a good thing to keep it mind as the cold weather approaches. If you have questions contact 'bendoingdoterra' on Facebook or Twitter. We are happy to help.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are Essential Oils Safe?

Are Essential Oils Safe?

So you keep hearing about essential oils and in some cases they sound amazing. Maybe you have experimented a bit with them but are a little uptight. Can something as potent as essential oils be safe? I mean there have got to be some dangers or side effects, don't there? I remember having a significant concern myself when I first started using essential oils about a wound that I had had stitched shut and whether or not I should put oils on the wound. In retrospect, knowing what I know now, I wish that I had been more aggressive in my use of oils at the time. So from my perspective, I am very comfortable with essential oils for myself and my entire family. That said, there are always things to be aware of. This is science, after all, not magic. As such we must consider if there are possible tradeoffs to be aware of regarding our choices.

Most essential oils are perfectly safe and do not have any negative effects. They are also strongly antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral which makes them safe to use not only medically but also for cleaning. Because of their extremely small molecular size, essential oils are not only easily absorbed by the body but they also do not accumulate in the body. That said, as with anything that you put into your body it is important to be educated in their use and to use them properly.

Let's start with a few basics. Try not to get them in the eyes, any essential oil in the eye will sting. If you do get it in the eye, do not flush it out with water, that will only make it sting worse. Waiting it out seems to work the best but that can be tough to do. There are a few oils that are not really intended to be ingested even if you think that they should be. Most doTERRA essential oils are completely safe for consumption, particularly if diluted, but birch, cypress, cedarwood, eucalyptus, and wintergreen should not generally be used in this way. Also if you are allergic to a specific thing, you will in all likelihood be allergic that essential oil. Keep that in mind.

Good quality essential oils are concentrated and thus can be quite strong. This being the case, some oils applied directly to sensitive skin can be irritating. This is not the case with all oils but hot oils such as oregano, cinnamon, clove, thyme, and cassia should be used with caution when being applied directly to the skin. One way of using hot oils, or any oils for that matter on the skin is to use a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, to dilute the essential oil. This is particularly true for children. Children have thinner more sensitive skin than adults, and as a result dosages might need to be more conservative and a carrier oil is advised. As with anything that is concentrated essential oils are not meant to be played with, it is advisable to keep them out of the reach of younger children. 

As with younger children a few cautions can be noted regarding pregnancy. It is important to use certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils in order to avoid any impurities. This is why product lines like doTERRA are such a Godsend, it is vital to know exactly what you are putting into your body and if it is what it is billed as. Aromatic use of most essential oils with the exception of birch, rosemary, thyme, or wintergreen is fine during pregnancy. For internal use basil, cinnamon, rosemary, and thyme are not recommended during pregnancy. And topically birch, cassia, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and wintergreen are not recommended during pregnancy. Finally, the recommendation regarding doTERRA blends during pregnancy is that you consider diluting them as to make them less intense. Pregnancy is a time to be cherished and also a time to be cautious as you steward a young life into this world. Essential oils can play a key role during a pregnancy and can be used to great effect to ease some of the discomforts of carrying a child. A good starting point regarding pregnancy can be found on everything essential .me

As with all things in life there are pros and cons. Every choice that we make carries positives and negatives with it. Essential oils offer a clear, clean, comprehensive, and safe way of dealing with various aspects of our lives. They are quite safe in almost all regards carrying minimal risks and offering  any number of positives. Combined with proper diet, exercise, medical guidance, and a bit of education doTERRA essential oils are a safe and healthy option for your life. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Family Essentials

Family Essentials

There are few things in life as fulfilling... or as maddening as parenting. It is difficult and daunting but we muddle our way through it. As much as we give up and sacrifice of ourselves it really does seem worthwhile on those few occasions when we really do manage to get things right. The problem is that it is pretty difficult to get things right most of the time. Children do not come with instruction manuals and the manuals that have been written are not always reliable, as if they were written for a different model of child then the ones that you have around. Add to that some of the seemingly impossible expectations of parenting nowadays and the fact that we do not exactly live in a child friendly society and you really can see how difficult it is to raise children today.

I remember when we were sent home from the hospital with our first child. We strapped him into the car and got in and looked at each other like "now what". It seemed strange that we were vested with the authority to take this little guy home. I still wonder most days if I am the right one for the job. At the time, I was terrified that this cute, little bundle of poop and baby puke was going to break when we weren't looking. From that point on everything that happened was virgin soil. Every fever, sniffle, bump, bruise, cut, scrape, sick tummy, rash was cause for fear. At least at first. Eventually you do start to get the hang of things and while you might not always get it right you at least don't get things totally wrong either. While that is cause for some satisfaction there are still a lot of frustrations.

Crying one month old babies don't generally explain to you what is wrong. Due to a lack of experience and vocabulary, children, even older ones, cannot always verbalize the specific nature of their problems. Sometimes you just cannot figure out what is wrong. Even when you do figure out what is wrong, you still need to help your little one through it and that is not always easy. One of the biggest frustrations as a parent is medication regarding kids. Age and medicine are a very frustrating mix. Most medications are not suitable for small children, sometimes it feels like until the age of twelve you can't give them anything without consulting a doctor. While there are medications available for children options are limited, effectiveness sometimes seems limited, and of course there you are pumping things into your child's body. 

This is where essential oils come in. DoTerra essential oils have been a Godsend for our family. For general health and wellness, illness, helping with sleep, concentration for homework, and so much more; essential oils have transformed the lives of our family. Balance and InTune have helped our kids with mental clarity. Peppermint, On Guard, DigestZen, 'magic bullets' and so forth have helped our kids avoid or deal with illness. Lavender and Serenity are helpful sleep aids in our house. The list continues.  Our children are becoming more self aware regarding their bodies and what they need. And we have no fear of overmedicating our children or the usual 'side effects' of taking medicine. My only regret is that I wish that our family had discovered essential oils sooner. Hopefully you can learn how to take advantage of what essential oils can offer your family.

Checkout our Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest pages or email us for more information.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How Are Essential Oils Used?

How are essential oils used?

Essential oils are used in a few different ways depending on need and preference. Probably the best known way to use essential oils is aromatically. Aromatherapy, put simply, is using essential oils or other aromatic compounds to alter your mood, state of mind, or physiology. Aromatherapy has been in use for thousands of years with varying degrees of success and documentation. Many essential oils have qualities that are helpful on the microbial level with bacteria, funguses, and viruses. For example, the simple, soothing, scent of lavender can help one to relax but lavender also has been shown to be an effective antiseptic and is very effective with cuts and burns. Commonly people will rely on simply smelling the oil in undiluted form, using steam to carry the oils, or a diffuser that runs a stream of air over a mixture of water and oils to create a fine mist. But even just cleaning or topical use with the right essential oils can help aromatically. The simple act of smelling the right compound can have a distinct physiological effect on you.

Topical use has become perhaps the most common use of essential oils. Topical use means that the oil is applied directly to the skin. Sometimes the oil might be diluted with a 'carrier oil' but in some cases the oil is placed on in pure form. The beauty of topical use of essential oils is that because they are in essence oil soluble and have a very small molecular structure they can pass directly through the skin and enter the bloodstream. This results in very quick entry by the oils to the problem area. Sometimes the oil is applied directly to a problem area, but often the oil might be applied in other locations. Sometimes oil might be applied to the back of the neck  to stimulate the nervous system. Often, as counterintuitive as is seems, essential oil might be applied to the foot or maybe the ear based on accupressure charts which are easily available. This turns out to be a very effective method. Case in point, many people find that using a drop of doTERRA's Breathe on the feet at bedtime is an effective remedy for snoring.

Finally, ingestion is another method for using essential oils. This can be done in a capsule or by mixing the oil into food or beverage. There has been less clinical research on this method but very strong empirical evidence and mounting research shows essential oils to be very effective in this regard as well. For example, couple of drops of peppermint in your drinking water has a quick and powerful effect on your stomach, headaches, and general energy level. 

It is an important thing to keep in mind that not all essential oils are created equal. Not all are oils are fit for ingestion as designed by nature and not all producers of essential oil have the same high standards. Additionally government regulations leave room for vagaries and marketing can sometimes be misleading. It is highly recommended that you use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils such as doTERRA essential oils. Certified pure guarantee that there are no fillers or contaminants. Finally the most important thing is to educate yourself by reading and vetting resources and asking the opinions of those whose opinions you value in this area. I am always available if you have questions and would like a bit of guidance. If you wish you may use the contact information on this page for more information.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I'm in Great Health, What Do I Need Essential Oils For?

I'm in Great Health, What Do I Need Essential Oils For?
So all is well and there is no need to consider medicines or health care products. The problem is that essential oils are not something that fit simply into a category like medicine. They are one small part of a greater whole that encompasses health, wellness, and lifestyle. Just as we make choices about diet, exercise, and lifestyle, so too do we make other choices as well. Oils are simply a building block that we can use to supplement our lives. Yes, most essential oils can be used to treat ailments, illnesses and injuries, but that does not mean that we can simply cubbyhole them as medicine, and therefore disregard them if we feel fine.

Essential oils can be used to maintain, modify, or enhance aspects of our lives. Various oils can be used to help adjust aspects of how we function or in preventative measures. If you are a runner you might want to consider doTerra's Breathe which opens up your airways quite effectively. Consumption of Lemongrass, or Basil can have a long-term effect on our cholesterol levels, and citrus based essential oils are a treasure trove of long and short term benefits. Studies continue to show that healthy choices today have a huge impact years down the road and essential oils can easily be part of that regimin.

Of course most people think of essential oils as tools for aromatherapy that are used to have an effect on moods. And that is absolutely true. Studies bear out over and over again that aromatherapy is highly effective and does elicit beneficial physical responses. This might take the form of using doTerra's Lavender or Serenity to relax or InTune for concentration or perhaps the scent of Peppermint for a quick dose of energy. Any of these options and a whole host of others are great enhancements to a persons life.

Finally, essential oils are a fun and simple way to add a little bit of zing to things. A drop of the right oil in your water or a recipe is a great way to spice things up in a healthy, happy, and safe way. I actually look forward to a tall glass of water. Whether we are using essential oils as medicine, or to maintain and modify the mechanics of our lives, or maybe just to add a bit of flavor and scent to our lives, essential oils have much to offer.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

But Aren't Essential Oils Expensive?

But Aren't Essential Oils Expensive?
There are a few times in conversations when I have been telling someone about an oil like Sandalwood and the benefits that it has. As people take in the information, particularly those that have sampled oils and know how effective that they are, the question of price comes up. It always does if someone is truly interested in a product. Usually people realize that a product that is difficult to acquire and purify and is effective does carry a price. When you are as particular as doTerra is about not only what species of plants are used but also where they are harvested from, you set a high standard. But from time to time the friend, acquaintance, or colleague that you are talking with will get 'the look' on their face. You know 'the look'. The look of sticker shock, the look of "Whoa, that is NUTS! There is no way that I am buying THAT tiny little bottle for THAT price, I don't care how well it works." You can explain that the cost is based on factors related to harvest, shipping, and the high quality of doTerra certified 100% pure products. You can point out that effective health options, particularly those that treat lingering problems that standard methods have been unable to resolve, are worth the money. But ultimately sticker shock is tough to get past for all of us.

So are essential oils expensive? As with all things, it is a matter of perspective and context. It is also a case by case issue. Different items have dramatically different prices. Whether it is different cuts of steak prepared in different ways, different types of fruit, or essential oils there are going to be differences. It is easy to get an idea about price and cherry pick one way or the other. For example, things like lemon, lime, lemongrass, and clove all retail at around $15 a bottle. At around 250 drops a bottle we a talking pennies per dose, about 6 cents per drop. These are items that I use consistently, so to me they represent a 'normal' cost for essential oils. Conversely, when you look at some of the more expensive oils it can appear daunting. The idea of spending $100 for a fifteen mil bottle of Helichrysum seems pretty extreme to most of us. I mean $100 is some really nice Christmas of birthday shopping, or for those of us that live in areas that don't have a terribly high cost of living, a very nice night out with your spouse. It is a big chunk of change for most of us. Also, we live in a super-economy-sized more, bigger, better, faster kind of world. I can buy jumbo-sized stomach relief stuff for a ten spot at a local megamart. So why would I spend 40 some odd dollars for a fifteen mil bottle of DigestZen?

This is where communication is so important. In a way, it is harder to talk about the economics of essential oils than their impact on our health. As it turns out, demonstrating the effectiveness of essential oils is the easy part. We always need to be working on educating ourselves and others. This is true not only in regard to the effectiveness of different oils but also economics. It is not just a simple matter of figuring out the price per drop. That is good knowledge to have, but I think that the more valuable information is dose size. Often medications are taken by the ounce, the spoonful, or in pill form. In most cases essential oils are taken by the drop. One or two drops at a time is all that you use in most cases. When you consider the dose size of that bottle of that DigestZen when compared to pink stomach relief medicine it's a no brainer. Between 125 and 250 doses of DigestZen as compared to maybe 30 doses of your standard stomach relief is worth considering. So as it turns out, DoTerra essential oils are effective, efficient, and economical we just need to educate ourselves about them.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why use essential oils?

Why use essential oils?

So why would anyone want to use essential oils when we have so many medicines available to us in this day and age? A few reasons come to mind. First and foremost, they work. One only need try a blend like doTerra's Breathe or a single oil like Melaleuca essential oil to see how effective they can be in very short order. Essential oils have been in use for centuries and in some cases longer. That in and of itself is not a valid reason for their use, but when you also look at some of the studies and research that are going on you begin to see that some traditional medicines are well worth looking at. We have relied on plants to treat our ailments since the dawn of our existence and essential oils are simply an extension of that. They are in many regards the essence of a given plant or plants.

As a society, species, and world we have become very dependent on measures in healthcare and lifestyles that seem to be the most efficient route but ultimately extract a severe price. The foods that we eat and the medicines that we pump into our bodies often do as much harm as good. Antibiotics have tended to be pretty indiscriminate killers when it really comes down to it. Many a dose of medicine has culled beneficial bacteria from our intestinal tracts as well as the targeted ones; rewriting the biome that is our body in a matter of days or weeks ultimately changing us as well as our descendants. We feel better, but in the long term our bodies often find themselves less able to deal with dangers that were once mundane.

The fear of the superbug that is resistant to antibiotics has moved out of the realm of speculation and science fiction and become something that we are actually being told is a viable danger. The very medicines that we have come to rely on are becoming less effective. This is where alternatives like essential oils become very palatable. Use of essential oils, even to a moderate degree, decreases your dependence on other types of medications allowing your body to be your body. Knowing what you are putting into your body is so important. Which allows me to close on a more trivial note. While my not being able to pronounce an ingredient in a food or medicine does not make it bad, on some level it is also reassuring to know exactly what I am putting into my body. Peppermint essential oil is peppermint. Period. Cilantro is cilantro. Lemon is lemon. As small a victory as it is, there is something reassuring in being able to say that you killed a wart with oregano or a rash with some lavender rather then something out of a tube that is a mixture of things that you have never even heard of.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

So What are Essential Oils Anyway?

So What are Essential Oils Anyway?

Essential oils are oils extracted from plants or parts of plants and used for various purposes and in several different ways. Often the oils are used in the treatment of ailments, injuries, and for a general sense of well being but serve other purposes as well. Depending on the oil, essential oils may be used topically, aromatically, or ingested. Humans have relied on plants for food and remedies to various aliments from the dawn of our existence. Over the millennia as our skills, technologies, and development of the scientific process developed we were able to refine our abilities to extract compounds from plants that we found to be useful, ultimately playing a role in the development of the age of modern medicine. In the case of essential oils, extraction of the oil is often done through steam distillation, although depending on the specific plant and part of the plant from which the oil is being extracted other methods may be used. In essence, an essential oil is the purest possible extract from a given plant without loosing it's characteristic qualities. As in the case of any plant, food, or medicine all items within a general category have dramatically different qualities and characteristics and will be used to different ends and in different ways which should be taken into account when researching essential oils.