Saturday, October 4, 2014

Aspirations and Inspiration

Aspirations and Inspiration
What can I say on the heels of doTERRA's Aspire Convention? Do I point out that doTERRA is a world class organization that understands that the sum of small, obscure deeds is a thousand times more powerful than large public ones, because the small deeds have the power to transform lives? Do I discuss doTERRA's mission of changing the world by empowering individuals in their health and how knowledge, education, and research are at the heart of so much of what they do? Or do I devote some time to my personal favorite, a little concept called co-impact sourcing, which strengthens small farming communities around the world in a sustainable way, empowering and engaging people in developing countries. Or perhaps I pay homage to the Healing Hands Foundation and all of the good they do. Where to begin and where to end?
DoTERRA is nothing short of amazing. Where so many companies or organizations do good because it looks good, doTERRA does good because it is good. That is what they are. It is evident in all that they do. As I was there at the Salt Palace, participating in events of all types, I saw this played out over and over again. In big way and small, you saw it over and over. DoTERRA has established the way to do business in the twenty-first century. Conscience filled capitalism. You can balance the needs of the people, the product, and the plants and do right by all of them. That is doTERRA.

So I come away from the Aspire Convention inspired and perhaps a bit overwhelmed. There is no doubt that I am being a cheerleader for doTerra and am unapologetic about it. But it I have seen what doTERRA aspires too, what I and those around me aspire too, and I also got a glimpse of what growers and producers of essential oil around the world aspire too. That inspires me and I hope that it can inspire you too to pursue your aspirations and inspirations.