Monday, March 24, 2014

Search and Research

Search and Research

So how effective are essential oils when it really comes down to it? Sure, people have claims but testimonials from strangers are a dime a dozen. After all where is the proof? Well that is a tall order. Not because there is a lack of information, but because there is quite a bit of information. While there are areas in which studies have not been done and there is a long way to go, there is quite a bit out there already, despite reluctance from a number of interests. There is enough information that it takes a lot of time and effort to wade through it all. It is a particularly daunting task if you are a layman. Studies abound of various types but what has merit and what does not? How do you digest all of the information? Where to start?


There is only a small amount of ground that we can cover in a few short paragraphs. But consider a flu study out of Oklahoma in which influenza virus infectivity was suppressed by doTerra's On Guard essential oil treatment in a dose-dependent manner. The number of nascent viral particles released was reduced by 90% when virus was treated with 1 to 4,000 dilution and by 40% with a 1 to 6,000 dilution of the oil. Oil treatment of the virus also decreased direct infection of the cells as the number of infected cells decreased by 90% when virus was treated with 1 to 2,000 dilution of On Guard and by 45% with a 1 to 3,000 dilution of the oil. The suggestion appears to be that the antiviral effect may be due to inhibition of viral protein translation. No matter the reason, it is an impressive result.


There are also some interesting studies dealing with postoperative nausea. Anecdotal evidence abounds about the effectiveness of peppermint in staving off nausea. This led to a study from Liverpool University in which patients that were not in the control group inhaled either synthetic peppermint or peppermint essential oil after surgery. The results of the study demonstrated that those exposed to the synthetic substitute had twice the nausea as those using natural essential oil. In another study conducted in North Carolina patients were administered either isopropyl alcohol, ginger essential oil, or a combination of ginger, spearmint, peppermint, and cardamom. Aromatherapy with essential oils was found to be an effective, noninvasive, and cost effective treatment for postoperative nausea. 


How about work from the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in 2003 dealing with helicobacter pylori, a microorganism found in the stomach that is responsible for ulcers and so much more. The thirteen different essential oils used were found to be bactericidal against helicobacter pylori without the development of an acquired resistance. Lemongrass was found to be particularly effective. Think about this as an alternative to antivirals, which viruses adapt to.


So where does this leave us?  A couple of quick references to a few favorable studies does not constitute significant proof on the validity of essential oils as an alternative method for dealing with a plethora of health issues. Does it? But... but, but, but. But there is so much more. Studies are showing up in more and more quarters, and the results of these studies are becoming harder to ignore. Rather than waiting to be told by the 'experts' what is good for you, perhaps it is time to take more ownership. The research is being done. The data is out there. While it seems overwhelming and the vocabulary and level of detail is intense, a person can wrap their brain around scholarly articles and scientific studies. It just takes some time, effort, and patience. As a layman writing a short blog, I have hardly done justice to the studies that I refer to, but I have made you the reader aware of them. Now it is your turn. Verify some of the things that you hear and read about. I would recommend Aromatics Science (  or PubMed ( to start out. YOU can do this. You CAN be the expert on your own health and happiness. And WE will be here to help you along the way. Ultimately that ball is in your court.


Contact me with questions or follow us on other social networks. We are here for you.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Shared Culture, Shared Community

Shared Culture, Shared Community

Culture. What is culture? Every region and group has at one. Cultures take many different forms and they all have merit and value on some level. Often they are difficult to understand. The term culture does not just apply to large societal grouping though. For example, there are any number of subcultures to consider as well, or in some cases corporate cultures. Ultimately our culture is what defines us as a people or group, and as such, it is worthy of some reflection in order to consider what our values are. Recently Scott Ford was discussing the culture of doTerra as business and a number of interesting words were used by him and others. He stated that doTerra represents a culture of authenticity; but doTerra was also discussed as being a culture about people, family, sharing, service, and cooperation. How this manifests itself was discussed. And it can be seen in so much of what we do. That makes me proud. The starting point for everyone involved with doTerra Essential Oils is in wanting to help others. These are not just a class of business managers that we are talking about. We are talking about something entirely different. A group of people that are passionate about helping others and sharing with them.

It has been a long time coming, but American attitudes on healthcare are shifting. This because of any number of reasons, ranging from concerns over the cost and quality of health care, worries in changes to the health care system due to 'Obamacare,' and a more knowledgeable public that is willing and able to conduct research on their own. People are looking at more options in greater depth, rather than simply accepting standard practice. A majority of Americans now look to natural health care products in some capacity. Half of Americans use or have used essential oils in one form or another. That number is expected to grow as people become better versed in their options and as they come to understand how effective essential oils are. This is particularly true for doTerra Essential Oils.

The term doTerra means 'gift of the Earth'. And that is exactly what doTerra offers, in the form of absolutely pure, therapeutic grade, essential oils . The feeling is that the Earth bestows great gifts upon us in abundance and we need only to be good stewards so as to be able to participate in this feast of plenty. The gifts from the Earth after all, are gifts for the whole world. And it is doTerra's mission to share health and prosperity with every individual, family, and community in the world. That is a big goal. Yet despite the grand vision doTerra has the soul of a small company. There is an intimacy to the doTerra community that goes several steps beyond what you would expect. You need only work with us and it will become self-evident. We are a culture of caring, cooperation, and commitment. The way to providing health and prosperity to all can only be done by reaching out and touching people as individuals, one at a time. The world is changed not by grand sweeping gestures but by changing one life at a time. That is one reason why I have been doing doTerra.

Please contact me if you would like to know what doTerra Essential Oils can do for you.