Saturday, February 22, 2014

Going for the Gold

Going for the Gold

As the Winter Olympics take place and again conclude in a far corner of the world, we are reminded of the quest for excellence. While most of us are not elite athletes, we all aspire to greater things, and when we see the dedication and degree of excellence that these fine people exhibit it is hard not to be impressed. But considering a bit deeper, there is the consideration of who these Olympians are. Some come from countries with ways of life or beliefs that we cannot quite understand. Some come from wealth while others have known squaller. Some come from families, programs, or countries with a legacy in a particular sport, others not so much. And some come from backgrounds and families not unlike our own. That is part all of the drama of the Olympics, whether we are from a big city, a small city, the mountains, the plains, the tropics, the tundra, no matter our language, religion, government, hobbies, interests, or politics there are people competing at this elite level that we see a bit of ourselves in. And that is inspiring. There is a bit of fantasy that take place in the imagination. Imagining and remembering the crunch of the snow under your cross country skis or boots, or feeling the rush as you catapult down a hill on a sled, inner tube, downhill skis, or snowboard you sometimes have a moment of understanding. 

It is also fun when we see that these Olympians have interests, likes, and habits like our own. Even with the intense focus, dedication, and regimen they are a reflection of those of us that are a bit more common. We are made of the same kind of stuff as these great competitors. 

Recently quite a few users of doTerra essential oils smiled after seeing a glimpse of the contents of Australian snowboarder and Olympic medalist Torah Bright's suitcase. Prominent items included quite a few doTerra products, including Deep Blue and the Lifelong Vitality Pack, among other things. On the one hand, it is not terribly surprising to learn that a very diet conscious and health oriented athlete such as Bright, would be using essential oils to deal with muscle fatigue and other issues. But it is, non the less, reassuring to see some of the things that you so value highly for health and wellness used by people competing at this elite level. On some levels Bright is someone that is very different from myself. Bright comes from a family full of snow based athletes that tend to be very holistic in their lifestyles, with a mother that is natural health therapist. When you add to that the fact that she is a Mormon, an Australian, as well as other factors; Torah Bright seems to be someone that is so very different then what I am. Yet despite differing lives, backgrounds, and perspectives we both have found the value of doTerra essential oils and how they can help you perform to a higher level and go for the gold. 

If you have questions, contact us here, on Facebook, Twitter, or at

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Working Together

Working Together

It is reassuring to know that you are not alone. While I personally crave some time on my own, so that I can think, exercise, and be creative, I also like to be part of a larger whole. It is good to have a sense of belonging and to be part of a greater community, particularly when that community is working toward a greater good. At this writing, I am in the process of meeting with and working with a several people that have chosen not only to use essential oils in their lives, but to share their knowledge with others. We are meeting to go over a great number of things, ultimately we are sharing information and insights about our own journeys and listening to the perspectives and experiences of others. 

I am in the process of sharing with this group my insights about using the Internet and digital media to share information about doTerra essential oils online. It is difficult on some levels to do because there is so much information in such a limited amount of time to share it in. But you pass on what you can in the hope that it helps others. Lisa Skrzypczynski is teaching us about essential oils, how to use them, why, and how to share them and succeed. Ann McCotter is talking about us about positive attitude, dream fulfillment, and goal setting. There has been a lot of sharing going on and it is grand. It is so important to share with others when and where you can. It is also so nice to hear the experiences and insights of others.

I love growing, I love helping others grow. It does not matter what the subject is, growth is always the desired goal. At least it always should be for all of us. The alternative is stagnation, and stagnation is the road to decay. We go through life seeking new knowledge, improved skills, and better ways of doing things. It is when we help one another that that we grow the most. Cooperation and shared experience is a powerful thing. No matter what you do or are involved in, I encourage you to engage others, share with them, learn from them, give to them. Those are the steps that we need to take so that we can work together.

Thank you to all that took part in this great event. If you are interested in future dotTerra events in the Oshkosh, WI area, contact Marge Woodfill at